And even then about all you could do on them was play
Solitaire and do long division. Nowadays, your average
toddler can do anything from play a cheeky game of Candy Crush, to manage their
bank account, to remotely controlling their central heating at home. That's right, the average toddler.
The value we place on the versatility and convenience of
having these tiny gadgets in our back pockets is immense. I have friends who
buy every new instalment and marginal upgrade that the companies decide to
make. “But look Gareth, the menu layout
has been redesigned; this is going to change my life!” And I am certain you
know similar people in your life, or are one yourself. The industry in the
smartphone market has exploded. Samsung, Apple and Microsoft are all riding
this train to colossal profits. Ever heard of Huawei? They’re a Chinese company
with some new phones being released in the UK, but they are the largest
telecoms company in the world.
Apple purchases in excess of 50% of the world’s total
production of sapphire to provide for its new screens.
What am I going on about with all this? Well, smartphones
are a new phenomenon, but they are not going away anytime soon. This is why I
wanted to give you some insights into what the little box in your left pocket
is doing to your life, and also some interesting facts you can use to impress
your colleagues over lunch.
Using smartphones dramatically increases sensitivity in the
tips of your fingers. Find out a bit more about it here.
The study seems to show that after a certain period of using a phone, the piece
of your brain responsible for the sensory nerves in your thumb and fingers
become dramatically more sensitive. So maybe using your phone is affecting your
brain, but probably not cooking it like your Gran warned you.
You’ve heard of Athletes Foot and Tennis Elbow. Well how
about Texter’s Neck? Did you know your
head weighs 12lbs? (average) That’s equivalent to the green bowling balls you
find in your local bowling lanes. Now imagine the length of time that you spend
hunched over staring gormlessly down at your phone waiting for twitter to Load
New Tweets. The
study shows just how much strain you are putting on your cervical spine by
spending so much time on your phone. Up
to 60lbs worth of strain, depending on how deeply you incline your head. Maybe
try and keep it at eye level?
Ever have trouble sleeping at night? Tossing and turning
because your mind is still active, thinking about plans for the next couple of
days? Well we can blame that one on your phone too. The act of looking at a
screen is a remarkably taxing one for your eyes to perform. Just the simple act
of scrolling down your Facebook wall is a highly mental activity, and is
something that preoccupies a great deal of attention. To an even greater
extent, relaxing by playing a simple game like Clash of Clans is an activity
that requires a whole lot of brainpower.
This is the opposite of what you want to be doing before
bed. In an ideal world, you would stick on some smooth jazz or whale song,
depending on preference, and relax in a semi-meditative state repeating the
word “Ohm” to yourself until your mental activity has ceased, from whence you
fall into a blissful sleep carried on the wings of angels. Is this going to
happen every night? Without a doubt, no. What you can do to help yourself out
before going to bed, is maybe relax downstairs on your phone, then when you are
ready to go to bed, toddle up stairs and put your PJs on, brush your teeth, and
get some multiple of 40 winks without poring over your phone.
So the smartphone is using its powers for evil, for the most
part right? All part of the plan, so that when Skynet rises we will all be an
oversensitive, ill-rested and chronic back pain suffering lot who lack the vim
and vigour to resist the machine uprising.
We all know the surface benefits of having a phone. 24hr
access to information wherever you are, an ability to contact everyone you know
in a matter of seconds, distracting yourself in important meetings, and all
manner of other tasks.
Wondering how this is all relevant to the library? Wonder no
longer! With a flawless segue, here are a couple of links about services you
can access on your phone.
UptoDate has a great
mobile site just waiting for you to scroll down.
is well worth a look. I told you about Scoop it a couple of weeks ago, but the
content curation is a really valuable feature and a novel approach to
information access.
See you next time!
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